Sunday, September 16, 2007

Hi and my apologise for the delay!

Dear members,
The association fair was a great success for all associations and we were no exception. Over 40 people signed up resulting in us more than doubling our number of members! However as you may have noticed the current board is full of very bissy people, which has sadly lead to us not having much time over for KBA. This is something we sincerely apologise for and we do intend to shape up!

We are going to start by emailing all our members to apologise for being so slow, as well as informing them about our page on Kzine, our Facebook group, and this blog. We will also shortly be inviting everyone to a welcome meeting, where we will also be planing what we want to do this term!

More details on when that meeting will take place will be posted here shortly!
Love Hannah Smith (president)