Sunday, July 29, 2007

Update and planning!

Though the weathers been dull the whole board has been very bissy this summer. Both Nina and I (Hannah) have been in the UK. I myself for a week to visit the family and look at a few unis. Nina has spent ca a month up north in Leeds. Our favorite overseas member has now returned from the homeland to join the second year at KG, welcome back Matilda.

As for planning, we will be having a board meeting before school starts to plan for the first meeting and thank Anna and Alex for their time on the board since they are leaving soon to study abroad. Anna is going to New York to study at Columbia University and Alex is of to Paris for 6 months to study French at Sorbonne/The University of Paris.

However as I've explained on facebook there will be an "association fair" about one and a half weeks into the term where we will have the chance to present ourselves and recruit new members. This is an excellent chance for us and one we really shouldn't waste!

We also need to start thinking about what we want to do this year and who should fill the shoes of those leaving us.

Any ideas you may have on how to recruit members, things you want to do during the year or if you are interested of sitting on the board please contact us as soon as possible (however better late than never)!
Blogg: Use the comments function
Facebook: Write in one of the forums or start your own thread.
Or talk to us in person!

Hope you've had a great summer and enjoy whats left of it! / Hannah


Dear KBA members and others!
Since the summer and its typically English weather has forced us to seek cover indoors there has been plenty of time for thought and technical advance. To celebrate our second term of existence we have decided to step into several new rems of info and contact. This so as to make both work and play more entertaining and accessible.
  • Our classical noticeboard in school (for those of you who have managed to miss it it's located on the 4th floor next to the jukebox room)
  • An already popular Facebook group (if you are not a member please join here)
  • This new blogg (If you'd like to post please email us at
  • And of course our email (as seen above
/ Love the board